Thursday, November 20, 2008

Improving your fuel mpg with hydrogen

A while back someone asked me to have a look at the latest ebooks that give instructions on how to improve your car's fuel mpg by augmenting the conventional fuel with hydrogen. This combination of hydrogen and oxygen is then fed into the inlet manifold of your engine and would, in some cases, double the fuel mpg of your car. This got me to wonder why all the hundreds of technical ideas that seem to offer real solutions to real problems have been completely ignored by the major car manufacturers. 

It seems that some had not been able to attract any funding to continue their research or they had been the subject of various sorts of threats.

It seems that some had been offered money to desist from their research and some had even died in ways that wre somewhat questionable.If these sorts of claims had been made by just a handful of people then it'd be easy to dismiss them out of hand. However, claims like this are popping up all the time. So what is going on?

Look at the average fuel mpg of the average car. It’s improved by about 20 – 40% in the last forty years. However, if you look at the cars that enter economy trials and competitons, you'll see that well over 100 mpg is achievable with little difficulty by ordinary cars. With all the technology now available to car manufacturers it’s difficult to believe they are unable to develop engines that are both economical and powerful. You'd have thought that they leap way ahead of their competition if they came out with a car like that.

I need to do a lot more digging to see what's going on here, but, before I do, I'm going to put a system in my 2001 Honda to see if it does what it's supposed to. Fortunately the parts and the instructions are very inexpensive. I’m pretty hopeful as the technology seems sound and the products do seem to have had a very good reception from everyone who has tried them. 

Of course, all fuel mpg economy systems have come under close scrutiny recently because, as the oil price has rocketed, improving fuel mpg has become a top priority for many drivers. There are numerous fuel saving offers out there and it pays to tread carefully and not rush in to anything. However, you probably want to get on with it and for me, the best option seems to be the hydrogen generating systems that I've been discussing.

Read my reviews here and see what you think


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