Monday, October 6, 2008

Improving your fuel mpg with hydrogen

A couple of months back I was sent a request to evaluate a new bunch of ebooks on hydrogen systems that greatly improve the fuel mpg of your car. This combination of hydrogen and oxygen is then fed into the inlet manifold of your engine and would, in some cases, double the fuel mpg of your car. This got me thinking about all this alternative energy thing, and the more I looked at it it seemed to me that there are lots of different technical solutions to all sorts of problems that have never even been considered by the car makers. 

It seems that some had not been able to attract any funding to continue their research or they had been the subject of various sorts of threats.

It seems that some had been offered money to desist from their research and some had even died in ways that wre somewhat questionable.If these sorts of claims had been made by just a handful of people then it'd be easy to dismiss them out of hand. But these sorts of claims seem to be everywhere. So what is going on?

What's the usual fuel mpg of the average automobile. It's only increased by a paltry 25-45% in the last 4 decades. However, all sorts of teams, from professional engineers to garden shed mechanics have entered cars into competitions that are able to achieve well over 120MPG with little difficulty. We know that about 80% of the energy in your gasoline is wasted as heat, why can't the manufacturers address this question of fuel economy. You'd have thought that they leap way ahead of their competition if they came out with a car like that.

I need to do a lot more digging to see what's going on here, but, before I do, I'm going to put a system in my 2001 Honda to see if it does what it's supposed to. Happily, the component parts and indeed the instructions themselves, are not at all expensive. I feel fairly sure that it's going to work because the actual theory seems to make sense and the e-books are selling well across the market. 

Of course, all fuel mpg economy systems have come under close scrutiny recently because, as the oil price has rocketed, improving fuel mpg has become a top priority for many drivers. There are dozens of potential ways to save fuel, some of them are worthless and so it will pay you to take your time when choosing the right one. That said, there’s no point in delaying either and for my money, the hydrogen injections systems that I’ve been talking about offer the best bang for your buck that you’re likely to find anywhere.

This review has much more information - have a look and see what you think


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