Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Do Gas to Water Conversion Kits Work?

Yes well sort of…

You may have seen some ads for a product that taunts the ability to actually make your car run on water.  There are even many You Tube videos on the subject.

As someone that is thrown into a deep depression every time I fill up my car I decided to do some research and find out if these products are scam or if there's any possibility it could actually increase my knowledge and in turn decrease my depression at the gas pump.

So after doing a lot of research on the subject I found that yes it is possible to modify your car to run on water sort of, but not water alone. 

These gas to water conversion kits do work but it does not eliminate the need for gasoline in your vehicle totally.  What these gas to water car conversion kit actually go is to supplement the use of gasoline by providing an additional gas to be burned which is a byproduct of the treated water in the kit.

Basically the way its set up is a small jar is installed on the engine, and within that jar the water is placed.  The chemical makeup of water is two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen so there are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. 

The way the system works is that by running a wire to the lid of the jar. The electric of the car forces the water to undergo electrolysis and is converted into hydrogen or oxide hydrogen gas which can be used as an alternative fuel for your car.

So in effect your car is running on, not actually water but running on the oxyhydrogen gas which the water has been converted into.  The process of converting water into hydrogen as well as into the oxyhydrogen is not a new technology and has been used for quite some time for industrial purposes.

The real benefit of adding a gas to water car conversion kit to your vehicle is to increase the mileage.  Remember that the engine will still need to run on gasoline but when the addition of the oxyhydrogen gas that's being provided from the electrolysis of the water in the jar, your vehicle will see much improved mileage over running on gasoline alone.

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