Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Top Super Gas Saving Ideas To Use Now

There are three things now certain in life, death, taxes and rising gas prices.  The cool thing is, we can do something about the rising fuel cost's.  Did you know that you can become a super gas saver by utilizing key gas saving tips?  Listed below are a few key fuel saving tips that you can utilize right now and begin saving immediately.

You can start off by checking the air pressure in your car tires.  So many never take the time to do this and it takes just a moment to do.By keeping an eye on the air pressure you'll be lowering the wear and tear on your tires thus making them more efficient.  The more workload you put on your car the more fuel it will burn.

The next step involves planning how your car is to be utilized.We have all had a time when we just sit down to relax on the couch and realize that we need something at the store.  In most cases this can be avoided with a little planning.  Here's what to do, on Sunday make a complete list of where you need to go the following week so you'll be ready.  If you plan wisely, you'll be able to take less “needed” trips out in your car.

The third tip is the correct use of your cars cruise control.  Optimum efficiency is obtained when your car utilizes cruise control.  It is a good idea to read your cars owner's manual to correctly use this feature.Also, it is not wise to use your cruise control in the city because this will act like normal driving patterns.

The fourth step is to clean out your car of any excess weight.  As most of you know, we treat our cars like a secondary home.  As we continue to add and take away items from the car we begin to leave items over time.  Give your car a thorough cleaning and take out anything that is not pertinent to that day's needs.A good practice is to remove any items that don't normally belong in your vehicle at the end of the day.

Our closing tip is to accelerate gradually and focus on how we drive our cars.  We are not teenagers anymore who drive recklessly and without regard for gas consumption.As you drive like a 16 year old with a fresh license you'll burn more fuel as the engine works harder.I am not saying that you have to drive like a blue hair but just keep an eye on your driving behavour.

The preceding were five super gas saver tips that you can implement immediately and start saving on gas.  If you are still not satisfied with the savings then you can look for an alternative like hybrid cars.  If you can't afford a new hybrid then there is one other alternative.Were you aware of the fact that you can transform your vehicle into a hybrid?  You can.  If you really want to save a ton on gas then this is just what your looking for.

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