Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Undertaking A Defensive Driving Course In America

online defensive driving courses

It seems that every defensive driving course in America now has an increasing number of students who are sixty years of age or older. Drivers who are sixty-five years of age and older are responsible for more than two thirds of the automobile accidents in America each year. While many senior drivers are very safe drivers, aging brings on slow reflexes that make quick reactions difficult. Still, many senior citizens remain active and continue to work for a living. To take away their driving privileges seems unfair. To compensate for this, defensive driving training classes are now available for them.

AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons, has the most comprehensive defensive driving courses in the US. The AARP courses in defensive driving are designed to teach senior citizens strategies that can help them avoid accidents that could cause them to lose their driver's license. Completion of a safety defensive driving program will also qualify the driver for a discount on their automobile insurance.

All across America, the AARP is offering a defensive driving course in major cities. The classes are convenient and short; usually lasting no more than two days and the cost of ten dollars is easily affordable. The instructors have been certified to help each senior to look at themselves and determine whether their individual physical limitations will hinder their ability to continue to drive safely. Each senior is taught basic defensive driving techniques to help them avoid accidents and situations that could become dangerous. There is also a review of basic traffic laws and regulations.

It is not unusual for traffic schools to offer a defensive driving course in an online format. The convenience of defensive driving schools online cannot be understated. Most of the online defensive driving courses include advanced audio and video, along with great graphical teaching aids, and the traditional classroom courses and the online classes are very similar in terms of curriculum. As well, with an online class, you also have the advantage of working when and where you want to. All you need is an internet connection. Regrettably, online defensive driving training classes are not presently offered by the AARP.

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