Saturday, September 27, 2008

Water For Gas Exposed

With rising gas prices of late, people are becoming more interested in getting every last mile out of the gas that their car uses. For instance, two common ways to save fuel are to employ more efficient driving strategies (or hypermiling) or to organize some form of car pooling. One idea that has received much attention is the idea of a hydrogen generator. There are plenty of products on the market now that show you how to create such as system. This article will cover the basic principles behind the method and what to look for in such products.

The hydrogen generator that is described in these products is commonly referred to as a water to gas generator too. The system splits water (H2O) into it's constituent elements hydrogen, hydrogen and oxygen (HHO) through electrolysis.

The process of electrolysis involves having a jar of water mixed with salt. Two terminals are placed in the water solution. By passing electric current, from the battery, through the terminals that are connected by the water solution, a chemical reaction occurs. The resulting chemical reaction causes hydrogen gas to go to the negative terminal and oxygen gas to go to the positive terminal.

The hydrogen gas that is created is passed into the inlet manifold of the car. The addition of hydrogen into the carburettor has the effect of improving the efficiency of the fuel (gasoline) entering the carburettor. This is thought to increase the amount of miles you get per gallon of gasoline.

Most people agree that adding hydrogen to the gasoline mix can improve the mileage you get from your automobile. However, for those that debate whether these systems really work the question of whether the quantity of hydrogen gas that can be produced can make a real difference. Or they question whether the energy needed to create the hydrogen gas, that comes from the cars battery which is charged by the engine, is not simply being used in another way thus diverting the consumer from the fact that they will need to replace their battery more often or that.

The people selling these products disagree with these comments and believe that their methods can make a real improvement to the amount of gas you need to use each week. This will save you cash on your car's gas bills with time if you increase the mileage you get per liter of gasoline to any extent. A number of these products also include additional information that teaches you how to be more economical in your driving habits so if you take this information to heart, this may also be saving you money on gas consumption.

There are many products available, upwards of 50 at last count. Nearly all detail the same method. Some of the information products seem to be very similar, which implies that the creators of these products have bought the rights to the same product. Or possibly they have reworked the idea to create a new book that they feel is an improvement on the others.

All these products come with a guarantee of some form. If you select one of these products, it is advisable to install the system as soon as possible. Check the changes in your fuel consumption, if you are not happy with the changes then apply for a refund. For unbiased consumer reports on the leading water for gas conversion kits visit, including a report on water4gas.

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